Stephan e Guilherme

(English below)

Enquanto Ana estava fora durante os meses de outubro e novembro, eu fiquei em casa com dois voluntários, um carioca, Guilherme, e um alemão, Stephan. Dois estereótipos quase opostos! Nos divertimos muito, comemos (comeram) ainda mais! E ainda trabalhamos um pouco…
Plantamos e colhemos bastante, inclusive várias árvores frutiferas, fizemos reformas e melhoramentos na casa e trabalhamos para controlar e direcionar os impulsos da vida na primavera (roçando e capinando)!

Obrigado pela ajuda e compania!
Seguem os comentaŕios dos meninos em baixo (Guilherme em português e Stephan em inglês).

Stephan and Guilherme
Ana was away for month in October and November while I stayed home with two volunteers, a Carioca (from Rio de Janeiro), Guilherme and a German, Stephan (the two stereotypes are just about opposites). We had a lot of fun and laughter, ate a LOT, and still managed to get some work done!
We planted and harvested, including various fruit trees, did plenty of DIY and maintenance around the house and worked to direct and control the vibrant growth of the spring (mowing, weeding, etc). Thanks for the work and the company!
The boys comments on their stay are below (Stephan in English, Guilherme in Portuguese):

I liked my stay at Sitio Nossa Paz a lot. Because they have something more like a big vegetable garden there and no fields like a big farm the work varies a lot. I didn`t have to do weeding all day and all night. Instead I built some bee-boxes, harvested different fruits and vegetables, planted trees and seeds, did some weeding and a lot more. It is really nice to joke with Simon, because he is always in with some funny response. Unfortunately I couldn’t meet Ana because she was traveling during my stay there. Furthermore Simon was always ready to help me when i came up with some problem or wishes. I love nature, so the view there was pretty amazing for me, especially the sunrise. To go for a hike also is absolutely worth it there. The food was incredibly good. I could find some really nice cooking books about fermentation, I learned how to make bread, which really is something special if you compare to the kind of bread which is common here in Brasil. Simon made his famous Indian curry, we made pizza in this great pizza-oven and it is so nice to use the ingredients out of their own garden while you are cooking.I had a lot of luck to stay there with Guilherme, the other volunteer. It was a pleasure to spend time with him because we could laugh about everything. So all in all I had a really nice and fulfilling time and want to thank Simon a lot for this.

O Sítio Nossa Paz é um lugar bacana, bom para ficar se você quer estar em boa compania, ter tranquilidade e um ótimo clima de Mata Atlantica.
No Sítio você vai ter a oportunidade de aprender principalmente sobre plantas pois Simon é um malandro esperto além de ser um cara legal e que as vezes tem um cabelo engraçado. Com ele você poderá dar altas gargalhadas a qualquer momento e em qualquer lugar. Quase sempre a trabalho, seja cuidando da hortas, das árvores ou ajudando Simon e Ana em outra coisa qualquer. O pai de Ana, Alexander também é uma pessoa legal para conversar e trocar ideias. Vale lembrar do lago que é um ótimo lugar para tomar um banho, além da vista para o nascer e o por do sol. Vale a viagem.

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